Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
                     C. V. Cummings Chapel Hill Post 9100 

Post History

The life of a post may span a year or nearly 100.;  There are posts in every state of the Union and in our possessions, territories, and overseas where we serve today.

Our post was chartered on October 30th, 1985.  It is named after a departed member, T/Sgt Carey V. Cummings, U.S. Army Air Force..

Our membership is growing steadily, but we lose some due to age.  Everyone is welcome to join our post, but you must meet the membership criteria. You can check to see if you are eligible by following this link.

If you find that you are eligible, we recommend you come back to this web site and contact us directly.  Signing up on the national site will put you in an at-large membership group.  Our local dues are lower, and for this year, your first year's membership is waived.  The post members will pay your dues for you.  It is our way of saying, "Welcome Home."